Our Mission is to recruit, hire and retain highly qualified employees to best advance the City on its commitment to responsive and excellent customer service.


Our vision is to have a team of employees that work toward a better quality of life in the service we provide the residents of our community.


The Human Resources Department provides services for personnel in the areas of recruitment, benefits, classification, compensation, labor relations, performance worker’s compensation, employee wellness and risk management.
The Human Resources Department is proud to offer its citizen’s the opportunity to gain work experience or assist with meeting community service mandates for various reasons. To be considered for the Volunteer Service Program, you must provide the following:
  • Volunteer Application
  • Identification card
  • Agency referral form
All applicants will undergo a local background check before being considered and assigned to any city department.

Job Opportunities

To apply for any of the jobs posted, all candidates must submit a full application placket that includes the following:

  • Employment Application

  • Letter of Interest

  • Resume that contains three verifiable professional references

  • Copies on any diplomas, degrees, or certifications relevant to position applying for.


Current Opening

Department:  Police Department

Position Description

SPPD Incentives

$21.50/hr For Certified NM Officer

$18.50/hr For Out Of State Officer

Deadline:  Open until filled

Position Description

Dept: Fire Department
Pay rate: $38,933.44 annually
Deadline to apply: Open until filled.

Position Description

Dept: Information Technology
Pay rate: $50,000 -$65,000 annually
Deadline to apply: Open until filled.

Department Directors & Staff

Carrie Rodriguez
Human Resources Director
575 589-7655 Ext : 1015

Staff List

Frances Langford

Human Resources Asst.

(575) 589-7565, ext. 1015

You can apply for a job with the city by submitting a complete Employment Application packet as noted on the website. 
  • Employment Application
  • Letter of Interest
  • Resume containing three verifiable professional references
  • Copy of Diploma/Degree and/or relevant certificates
This packet may be submitted electronically by emailing or can be hand-delivered at City Hall.

All application packets received will be reviewed and evaluated to qualifications.  A selection for interviews will made of qualified applicants who will be notified by phone call on the date and time of interview.  All interviewees will be asked to complete the background check authorization.  Candidates will be interviewed by a Panel of three individuals.  Interview Panel will make a recommendation for hire to the City Manager.  If recommendation is approved, the selected candidate will be notified by telephone call for job offer. 

Yes.  Currently, you need to submit a separate application packet for each position.

The City offers benefits that include paid sick, vacation, and holiday pay, medical, dental and vision coverage, basic life insurance and state retirement plan.

Yes, every employee and/or volunteer must undergo a background check.

Yes, the city provides for the opportunity for a person to volunteer in one of the city departments to gain work experience

To apply for volunteer service, a person will need to submit a Volunteer Application to Human Resource.

To apply of any of the above, a candidate must submit the “Volunteer Application form, Letter of Interest, and resume to Human Resources.